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Wu Jian

The paintings of Wu Jian entice the viewer with their tenderness and attention to detail and motion. Clearly evident is the artist's ability to focus on subtle events that often pass unnoticed. Wu Jian examines these moments with a focus so profound as to transcend their physical boundaries. His well trained eye combined with his masterful technique capture only what is essential. Each brushstroke embodies volume, color, texture, and the most ephemeral of all qualities, the human spirit. Wu Jian imbues his canvases with a rich and delicate life of their own. Whether the subject be a simply placed floral Still life or a classically poised ballerina, the artist's mature and poetic vision radiates from the canvas.

Wu Jian is a member of the National association of Fine Are of China, Lecturer of Oil Painting at Shanghai Teachers college, professor of Art at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and exhibited widely Throughout China. Wu Jian immigrated to the United States in 1986 and studied at San Francisco Academy of Fine Art college (CA) and Art Student's League of New York (NY), then quickly established himself in the New York art world. Originally exhibiting with China House in New York, Wu Jian moved on to Gallery Revel where he developed as the premiere Artist of the gallery's Revel hosted eight solo shows for the artist during their representation.

Wu Jian paintings have been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the United States. He's had numerous paintings auctioned Christie's and Sotheby's in Hong Kong. Also, Wu Jian has works in the collection of the China National Art Museum and many of his paintings are private and public collections throughout the world. MUSEUM SHOWS: