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Orlando Quevedo

Orlando Rafael Quevedo was born on Janauary 1st, 1970 in Holguin, Cuba. At an early age he showed an interest in fine arts, specifically drawing. He started his fine art education in 1982, attending the highly respected Vocational School of Art. At the age of 8 he won the first prize at the National Celebration of the History of Cuba Competition, surpassing 14 to 18 year old students. He continued his studies at the Professional School of Fine Art in Holquin, where only five students are chosen to attend. Orlando received his Masters Degree from the Superior Art Institute of Havana, Cuba in 1993.

Following his father, Orlando immigrated from Cuba and settled in Philadelphia. He subsquently worked as a professor at LaSalle University for ten years, as well as a curator for the Philadelphia Museum of Fine Art, one of the most reputable art museums in USA. Orlando also helped beautify the city of Philadelphia by painting several large murals in the downtown area.

Orlando is the nation's foremost proponent of "Magical Realism" -- a style in which magical elements blend with the real world. His paintings portray these magical elements as realistically as possible, but he presents them in a straightforward manner that places the "real" and the "fantastic" in the same subject matter. Inspired by his favorite artists -- Peter Paul Rubens, Velazquez and Rembrandt -- he continues to pay homage to these masters as he combines their techniques to create the light, drama and movement that clearly define a continually evolving Baroque, surreal and magical style.

Orlando's works are exhibited in over thirty major art galleries and art auction homes around the United States and Europe. His work is regularly exhibited in Art Expo, New York, one of the largest art fairs to the trade and collectors.